Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Astrology and love

I try not to believe in crazy things like astrology when it comes to things like deciding on a partner, but I lately started doing some readings on sign pairings and am now convinced that has been my problem all along. Over the last 9 years, I have dated a taurus, gemini, and 2 aries. Of the 4, I thought about marrying one aries and would have absolutely married the other maybe because I am a sucker for both beautiful and intelligent aries women. But according to the stars, I am awful with both the gemini and aries. The taurus is very iffy, despite the fact the relationship with the taurus was the absolute worst of the 4.

So I am going to try something new and only go out with Cancers, Pisces, Virgos and Capricorns. When I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Of my best friends, 2 are Capricorns and one is a Cancer. I have known the three of them a combined 40+ years and we still talk often, even if it is not as often as I would like.

It is a bit funny that I am actually considering this, but if I want things to be different (read: I actually want a relationship to last), gotta change things up a bit. Sure, some people may find this stupid, or that I am possibly shorting myself, but hey, nothing else has worked. I know two women whom I find very attractive, physically, intellectually, etc, and both happen to be cancers. There are problems with actually dating either of them for some rather interesting reasons. (Other than they might not be interested, but that's just silly!) But that would fit right in with my style, because I am blessed with the worst timing when it comes to women. Oh well, you never know. Would the opportunity arrive, I'm in no rush this time. Rushing has been a big mistake for every one of my last 4 relationships and I don't plan on making the same mistake for the 5th time. I'm getting old, you know.

So pacing and signs. The complete opposite approach that I've ever tried when meeting women. Something has to change, right?

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